Home > Share your TSHOOT v2.0 Experience

Share your TSHOOT v2.0 Experience

January 22nd, 2015 Go to comments
Note: The last day to take this TSHOOT 300-135 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here.

This article is devoted for candidates who took the TSHOOT exam to share their experience. Please tell us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the TSHOOT v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Your posts are warmly welcome!

Exam’s Structure:

+ Some Multiple choice & drag drop questions
+ 2 Simlets
+ 15 lab-sim Questions with the same network topology (15 troubleshooting tickets or you can call it one “big” question). Each lab-sim is called a ticket and you can solve them in any order you like.

Topics of the lab-sims:

1- IPv6
3- OSPFv3
4- Frame Relay
5- GRE
6- EtherChannel
7- RIPng
9- Redistribution
10- NTP
11- NAT
12- BGP
13- HSRP
14- STP
15- DHCP

The problems are rather simple. For example wrong IP assignment, disable or enable a command, authentication…

In each tickets you will have to answer three types of questions:

+ Which device causes problem
+ Which technology is used
+ How to fix it

When you press Done to finish each case, you can’t go back.

A demo of the TSHOOT Exam can be found at: http://www.cisco.com/web/learning/le3/le2/le37/le10/tshoot_demo.html


+ In the new TSHOOTv2, you cannnot use the “Abort” button anymore. Therefore you cannot check the configuration of another ticket before completing the current ticket.

+ We have gathered many questions about TSHOOT exam and posted them at TSHOOT FAQs & Tips, surely you will find useful information about the TSHOOT exam there!

Below are the topologies of the real TSHOOT exam, you are allowed to study these topologies before taking the exam. It surely saves you some invaluable time when sitting in the exam room (Thanks rrg for sharing this).

IPv4 Layer 3 Topology


IPv6 Layer 3 Topology


Layer 2-3 Topology


You can download the SAM strategy here (specially thanks to SAM who created this strategy):


Comments (30) Comments
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  1. Spartan2020
    February 3rd, 2020

    Do not over-complicate issues. Use MCQ from November update, understand it because questions are framed differently in real exam but it is the same scenario/ answer (for example exhibits may be displayed in exam question which is not displayed in the update, but if you understand the update you will see it is basically same). Sam strategy is also valid. If you get the ticket relating to vlan filter/valn acl drag your cursor to the right sided bar of the answer box and scroll all the way down, that is where the vlan acl option is hidden. Good luck.

  2. 1ManTim
    February 3rd, 2020

    Sorry that was a typo.
    It should be:
    1.Client1> ping NO – iPV4; Go to step 2 | YES – iPV6; Go to step 9

    But like what I said, you should familiarize yourself to SAM strategy first. Then that guide will be EZ-PZ.
    Also it helps you to answer #2 of all ticket questions.

    congrats besh!

  3. Johny
    February 3rd, 2020

    @Spartan2020 – I’m not sure what “issue” you are referring to. I’m not trying or over-complicating anything – just sharing my experience. Many people were saying here on forum that the answer for Q10 is incorrect (how can it be VTP) and it was because the exhibit is missing.

    BTW, how can you understand the update if every question is missing an important piece of configuration or diagram?

  4. Spartan2020
    February 3rd, 2020

    @Johnny – My reference was not to you but to those who are trying their best to disprove a working formula. I was merely trying to say that the November Update and following Sam strategy can ensure a pass instead of picking holes with the provided answers, yet the provided answers
    do work.

  5. Toby
    February 3rd, 2020

    Hi Guys just passed TSHOOT. NOV MCQ still valid
    BGP HSRP Sims. And all tickets are valid. Nothing unusual. Yes it has a bug where in Nat ticket you can ping outside from DSW1

  6. Chimsky
    February 3rd, 2020

    Passed!! Everything on here is good to go for the exam. I had HSRP, BGP Sim, and 2 IPv6 questions. Good luck all.

  7. OnlyPrincess
    February 3rd, 2020

    @DM 2020 and Ghost, I tested LAB using the missing/fault Ipv6. Client 1 can ping Perhaps, those 3 tickets mentioned earlier were for ipv6.

  8. Anonymous
    February 3rd, 2020

    Everything here is good to pass the exam. Thank you Networktut.com for helping ! I passed yesterday with 100%. Good luck everyone !

  9. Anonymous
    February 3rd, 2020

    I tried premium. Everything from there and multiple choice question from November update.

  10. SiphoFly
    February 3rd, 2020

    wrote my exam today, everything on network tut still valid.

  11. TSHOOT help
    February 3rd, 2020

    I am new to TSHOOT, jsut passed switch and trying to wrap my head around how to take this exam and what the benefit of “paid” membership to this one is..i paid for SWITCH…

  12. lavish
    February 3rd, 2020

    FEB 3rd at 11:00am ET, everything is the same!

  13. DM 2020
    February 3rd, 2020

    Thanks for your findings. Just I want to double check. I did not see any IPv6 address in the scenario and all these ticket i missed in the exam, I was not able to ping and, but able to ping I need your help to find my mistake.

  14. Johny
    February 3rd, 2020

    @Spartan2020 – got you. Yes you are correct, the Nov-update is 100% correct.

  15. Anonymous
    February 3rd, 2020

    just passed with 1K


    ************** SIMLET

    1. BGP,
    Q1.the ASN on R1 to estalish IBGP is incorrect,
    Q2.the IP address to do EBGP is incorrect also.
    2. HSRP
    Q1.Change the track from int E0/0 to E0/1
    Q2.HSRP packets dropped by ACL ( HSRPv2)
    Q3.Distribute-list denying learn prefixes.
    Q4.DHCP issue between R4 and R5

    ************** LABS

    1. OSPF authentication issue “ip ospf authentication message-digest”
    2. IP NAT
    3.VLAN filter
    4.Switchport VLAN 10
    5.Switchport trunk
    6.Redistribution Route-map Ticket11b
    7. IPV6 OSPF
    8.DHCP Helper-address
    9.EIGRP Passive Interface
    10.IPv6 GRE Tunnel

    ************* D&D

    1) Follwing the button-up thsoot methods, please order from step 1 to step4 how to solve an isse with an IP phone:

    1. Check PoE
    2. Check VLAN
    3. Change DHCP GW with option 150
    4. Check image file from TFTP server

    2) Drag and drop questions to correct GRE configuration: (case 1)
    R1 ( (

    R1(config)# interface Tunnel0
    R1(config-if)# tunnel mode gre ip
    R1(config-if)# ip address

    R2(config)# interface Tunnel0
    R2(config-if)# tunnel mode gre ip
    R2(config-if)# ip address

    Configure the tunnel source to be
    Configure the tunnel destination to be
    Configure the tunnel destination to be
    Configure the tunnel source to be

    3) Drag and drop questions to correct GRE configuration (case 2):

    R1 ( (

    R1(config)# interface Tunnel0
    R1(config-if)# tunnel mode gre ip
    R1(config-if)# ip address

    R2(config)# interface Tunnel0
    R2(config-if)# tunnel mode gre ip
    R2(config-if)# ip address

    Configure the tunnel source to be
    Configure the tunnel destination to be
    Configure the tunnel destination to be
    Configure the tunnel source to be

    ****************** MCQ

    1)Why do clients frequently lose connection at the remote site? (Exhibit of tunnel gre and outputs from devices)
    A. recursive routing*
    B. static route
    C. ACL
    D. RIP summarization

    2) Which configuration command is used to add an IPv6 ACL to an interface?
    A. ipv6 access-class (in/out)
    B. ipv6 traffic-filter INTERNET (in/out) *
    C. ip access-class (in/out)
    D. ip accesss-group (in/out)

    3) Which output is expected in the blank line?
    A. DOWN
    B. EXSTART *

    4) G1/2 is the root port for SW4, please choose the command so G1/1 can be the new root port?

    DSW-01(config)#interface gig1/2
    DSW-01(config-if)#spanning-tree cost 5

    5) Which two commands are used to choose uRPF drops?
    A. show ip interface *
    B. show interface
    C. show ip cef
    D. show ip traffic *
    E. show cef traffic

    6) Which sequence line needs to go to the top to allow the communication from R3 to R2 via ssh.

    10 deny tcp 2001:ABC:2000::/36 host 2000:ABC:20:2:2::2 eq 22
    20 permit tcp 2001:ABC:2000:2:2::/64 host 2000:ABC:20:2::2 eq 22
    30 deny tcp 2002:ABC:2000::/36 host 2000:ABC:20:2::2 eq 22
    40 permit tcp 2000:ABC:2000::/36 host 2000:ABC:20:2:2::2 eq 22
    50 permit tcp 2000:ABC:2000::/36 host 2000:ABC:20:2:2::2 eq 23
    60 permit tcp host 2002:2000:2:2:2::2 host 2000:ABC:20:2:2::2 eq 22 *
    70 deny ipv6 any any

    7) Console session is being closed by a network device, how can this be solved:
    R– Apply exec-timeout 0 0 in line console 0 *

    8) When is uRPF desired to be applied using loose-mode for security reasons.
    A. Asymmetric *

    9) 2 switches asking why DTP isn’t working one switch Gi other FA
    Different VTP domains *


  16. Rico
    February 3rd, 2020

    Lastest update please

  17. sha
    February 3rd, 2020

    My Virtual PC in eve-ng is not taking IP Address from DHCP server, any suggestions?

  18. John Doe
    February 3rd, 2020

    @sha for me i have to explicit config ‘switchport’ on the asw1,2 dsw1,2 l2 Po interfaces (po13,po14,po23,po24)

  19. Ghost
    February 3rd, 2020

    Guess who’s back? Back again :) Guys I passed today thank God. Now time for some feedback:
    All the MCQs & Simlets are valid. For BGP there was a different IP ADDRESS so nothing to worry about. As for the TICKETS, Don’t get me started. Although did they come form this site but Sams Ping Plan didn’t really work on some tickets. Had to use Traceroute etc. Now some tickets also had 2 to 3 problems. 1 had Nat, & OSPF Auth & Security. I spent good 40 mins on that. So be careful. I got 2 tickets wrong I think But pass is a pass. NOW THIS WAS FOR ME. No need to get scared. If you know what you’re doing, you’ll be fine.
    Anyways that’s it for me..Good luck to all those who will do it soon! Thanks Everyone. Peace!

  20. James
    February 3rd, 2020

    Hello All
    Where i can get the MCQs for tshoot

  21. @erickTSHOOT
    February 3rd, 2020

    when a ticket comes to you, the 3 questions appear, there is an option to go back, possibly knowing the answer 3 you can know the answer 2 and 1 of each ticket, it is not the idea or the purpose of the exam but could it help?

  22. @James
    February 3rd, 2020

    Just sign up for Premium and the MCQs are all there.

  23. Rico
    February 3rd, 2020

    @Ghost congratulations and thanks for your feedback
    i really appreciate it

  24. Shadow
    February 3rd, 2020

    because I saw that someone else get my name (Ghost) I change it and I do it shadow.

    Soon I give the exam and i report the result.

  25. CiscoMan
    February 3rd, 2020

    @Shadow, you are the real Ghost? and the one above who passed exam is Ghost-2?

  26. @Ghost
    February 3rd, 2020

    Re. some tickets have multiple problems.

    Some of the tickets do have the correct port security configured, likewise the correct OSFP auth is configured. For the OSPF one for example, did you check to see if the OSPF was up?

  27. George
    February 3rd, 2020

    Hi Ghost, thanks for the feedback.

    Quick question, if some tickets had more than 1 issue, how did you select the answer if you have only the chance to select 1 affected device, 1 problem and 1 solution???

  28. Please help,
    February 3rd, 2020

    Taking exam in 2 days and trying to figure out the correct answer for ticket 13. I know about no exclude command but do we put in an ip exclude command..or is it on DSW1 rather than R4..any help will do please

  29. tshoot exam
    February 3rd, 2020

    I gave the Tshoot exam on 3/02/2020 and passed.
    All multiple-choice questions and Tshoot tickets are valid.
    There was one confusion where IP helper-address was wrong in DSW1 and fast ethernet ports were err-disabled in ASW1 in the same ticket.
    Please choose the IP helper-address as the answer on DSW1.

  30. Twice
    February 3rd, 2020

    @tshoot exam
    did you see err-disabled by doing “sh int fa1/0/1” in ASW1 or used “sh port-security” command?

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