Home > Share your TSHOOT v2.0 Experience

Share your TSHOOT v2.0 Experience

January 22nd, 2015 Go to comments
Note: The last day to take this TSHOOT 300-135 exam is February 23, 2020. After this day you have to take new Enterprise exams to get new CCNP Enterprise certification. If you want to find out more about the new exams please visit here.

This article is devoted for candidates who took the TSHOOT exam to share their experience. Please tell us what are your materials, the way you learned, your feeling and experience after taking the TSHOOT v2.0 exam… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Your posts are warmly welcome!

Exam’s Structure:

+ Some Multiple choice & drag drop questions
+ 2 Simlets
+ 15 lab-sim Questions with the same network topology (15 troubleshooting tickets or you can call it one “big” question). Each lab-sim is called a ticket and you can solve them in any order you like.

Topics of the lab-sims:

1- IPv6
3- OSPFv3
4- Frame Relay
5- GRE
6- EtherChannel
7- RIPng
9- Redistribution
10- NTP
11- NAT
12- BGP
13- HSRP
14- STP
15- DHCP

The problems are rather simple. For example wrong IP assignment, disable or enable a command, authentication…

In each tickets you will have to answer three types of questions:

+ Which device causes problem
+ Which technology is used
+ How to fix it

When you press Done to finish each case, you can’t go back.

A demo of the TSHOOT Exam can be found at: http://www.cisco.com/web/learning/le3/le2/le37/le10/tshoot_demo.html


+ In the new TSHOOTv2, you cannnot use the “Abort” button anymore. Therefore you cannot check the configuration of another ticket before completing the current ticket.

+ We have gathered many questions about TSHOOT exam and posted them at TSHOOT FAQs & Tips, surely you will find useful information about the TSHOOT exam there!

Below are the topologies of the real TSHOOT exam, you are allowed to study these topologies before taking the exam. It surely saves you some invaluable time when sitting in the exam room (Thanks rrg for sharing this).

IPv4 Layer 3 Topology


IPv6 Layer 3 Topology


Layer 2-3 Topology


You can download the SAM strategy here (specially thanks to SAM who created this strategy):


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  1. @AH
    February 1st, 2020

    Have you checked port on ASW1, whether it was err-disabled or shut down?

    I am sure in case of dhcp issue it will not be err-disabled?

  2. Twice
    February 1st, 2020

    In the DHCP helper ticket that you had in the exam did you check on ASW1 “sh int fa0/1” and “sh int fa0/2”.
    The “sh port-security” gives down this is a bug but int the “sh int fa0/1” did you check?

  3. Twice
    February 1st, 2020

    In the retake the exam will be the same?
    It’s not true, is this?

  4. MorfiuS
    February 1st, 2020

    Should I learn all Multiple Choice Question or it will be some from latest update?

  5. Praise God
    February 1st, 2020

    I passed couple of days ago with 100% marks All Glory to Jesus.
    MCQ Nov update is valid.

    Few points to be noted.
    1 of the labs client 1 was not able to ping (DSW1) which means fault should be on ASW1 or DSW1. But this is not the case the fault was on R4 passive interface. In any of the labs if u can’t find the fault where ping stops move to the next device.

    all the best

  6. Burìk
    February 1st, 2020

    @ Saji

    Yes, I did pass the exam last week. Just hanging around here a bit more.

  7. sap
    February 1st, 2020

    Does anyone knows the value of each ticket in the exam ?

  8. Burìk
    February 1st, 2020

    Apparently it’s 77 points each. Which leads to 1000 – 77*2 = 846 = you can’t fail more than two tickets.

  9. Pique
    February 1st, 2020

    Why is difficult to see the VLAN ACL/Port ACL option?
    Can you give me some advices, please ?

    Thank you

  10. Anonymous
    February 1st, 2020

    I just passed with around 930 =D
    It’s all valid.

    Few things I noticed:

    1. only ping, ipconfig are allowed on PC, not trace. (There was one more command available, but don’t remember what it was. It didn’t seem to be useful command for me)

    2. I thought I got all answer right according to dump, but somehow I got 930. I don’t know why I got 930 but not 1000. On result says I got wrong on L2 technology.

    3. tickets and multiple questions are mixed. for exampe, #1 ticket, #2 multiple choice, #3 ticket. and you need to answer in that order. No go back button. Total # of questions was 24.

    4. some answers for the questions were ambiguous.
    For example, One of the question was… PC1 could ping R1, but not server.
    So I took a look R1 configuration. I DID notice on s0/0/1 has ip nat inside, but not outside. So it seems to me that’s a IP nat issue. I checked show ip nat translation, and nothing showed up(Not sure if this commend supposed to show the result in exam though). At the same time, I didn’t see last resort for “show ip route” command. and I didn’t see bgp neighbor b/w R4 and ISP router. I ended up going “nat” but don’t know right answer.
    Correct me if I’m wrong XD.

    FYI, as I cannot use trace from PC1, to shorten the time of exam, I memorized the topology and followed this approach
    1. Try ping (R3) / (R4)
    If works, ping, ping 1.1.1 => Check R3,2,1 depends on the result.
    If not works, Try ping => check ASW1 or DSW1 depends on the result

    I studied…
    concepts from cbtnugget => It provide gns ova file. I was able to study basic very well
    dump: evedumps => The exam was exactly same…. (some questions in the exam were not in networktut, but evedumps. But if you read carefully, you should be able to solve)
    networktut: read guideline( FAQ & Tips), packet tracer => FAQ was nice as I was able to learn exam itself well.. Packet tracer was very helpful as I was able to practice exam environment well.

    FYI, command differences
    in gns: trace works, “|” works, show vlan-switchs br, show ip ospf int br works, show ip ospf int br works, show standby vlan 10 works
    in packet tracer: trace doesn’t work, “|” doesn’t work, show vlan works. show ip ospf int br doesn’t works, show ip ospf int s2/0 works, show standby vlan 10 doesn’t works, show standby vlan works.

    Also, I haven’t check details, but I think exam has multiple wrong configuration here and there to confuse us. But you need to choose the one causing the issue. I noticed I almost chose wrong answer as configuration was wrong, but when I review, another one was the issue.

    Let me know if you want me to share the dump. I paid for.. @.@ but If I see the request, I’ll share =D

  11. Mav
    February 1st, 2020

    I passed with close to 1000 points. I could have received 1000, but had short time to study. All questions from here are current and so are the sims and tickets. Some commands don’t work on the actual test like on ASWI “show interface status”, so I had to do the show run command. Also on the routers, the “show run | s router” does not work as well. I advise to relax as they give you plenty of time to complete the test. I finished with plenty of time still left.

  12. Kelvincenka
    February 1st, 2020

    ticket 16 and 15 have same scenarios but different answers, somebody explain the difference. The question reads.
    15.Problem: Loopback address on R1 (2026::111:1) is not able to ping the loopback address on DSW2 (2026::102:1).

    Configuration of R3:
    interface Tunnel34
    no ip address
    ipv6 address 2026::34:1/122
    ipv6 enable
    ipv6 ospf 6 area 34
    tunnel source Serial0/0/0.34
    tunnel destination
    tunnel mode ipv6
    Configuration of R4:
    interface Tunnel34
    no ip address
    ipv6 address 2026::34:2/122
    ipv6 enable
    ipv6 ospf 6 area 34
    tunnel source Serial0/0/0
    tunnel destination
    Ans1) R3
    Ans2) Ipv4 and Ipv6 Interoperability
    Ans3) Under the interface Tunnel34, remove ‘tunnel mode ipv6’ command

    16. Problem: Loopback address on R1 (2026::111:1) is not able to ping the loopback address on DSW2 (2026::102:1).

    Configuration of R4:
    ipv6 router ospf 6
    ipv6 router rip RIP_ZONE
    redistribute ospf 6 metric 2 include-connected
    Ans1) R4
    Ans2) Ipv6 OSPF Routing
    Ans3) Under ipv6 ospf process add the ‘redistribute rip RIP_Zone include-connected’ command

  13. Star Lord
    February 1st, 2020

    Just finished. Passed with no problems.

    November mcq continues to be good. I had hsrp and bgp simlets. Only had two V6 tickets.

    Tickets by the numbers: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11a, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17

    Nothing new, nothing unexpected, no tricks, no anything. Thanks networktut for your assistance.

    People, you only have a short time left. Get the premium subscription and get busy. It simply works.


  14. Namaste
    February 1st, 2020

    TK 4 Question!!
    Ans1) R1
    Ans2) NAT or IP NAT ???????????
    Ans3) Under interface Serial0/0/0 delete the ip nat outside command and add the ip nat inside command.

  15. @namaste
    February 1st, 2020

    You will only have one Nat option……pick it.

  16. almohalhil
    February 1st, 2020

    Passed on JAN 24th 1000/1000

    Nove,ber mcq are solid. both simlets showed up on the exam. Tickets were solid. I would practice them randomly!!

    Thank you networktut!!
    Officially CCNP!!!
    Good luck to all!

  17. DK – Man
    February 1st, 2020

    @Star Lord
    You got ticket 4. Was it case 1 or Case 2?

    Case 1:

    Configuration of R1

    interface Serial0/0/1
    ip address
    ip nat outside
    interface Serial0/0/0
    ip address
    ip nat outside
    ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 TSHOOT
    ip ospf authentication message-digest

    Ans1) R1
    Ans2) NAT
    Ans3) Under interface Serial0/0/0 delete the ip nat outside command and add the ip nat inside command.

    Case 2:

    Configuration of R1

    interface Serial0/0/1
    ip address
    ip nat inside
    interface Serial0/0/0
    ip address
    ip nat inside
    ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 TSHOOT
    ip ospf authentication message-digest

    Ans1) R1
    Ans2) NAT
    Ans3) Under interface Serial0/0/1 delete the ip nat inside command and add the ip nat outside command.

  18. kashnex
    February 1st, 2020

    Hi All

    Could you please let me know how would you identify Ticket 11 – between (a & b)


  19. @DK-man
    February 1st, 2020

    Ip nat inside, case 2.

  20. JStone
    February 1st, 2020

    Can anyone kindly help with pdf or info (prem)? sitting next week. have studied, but nervous.

    jadestone43 “at” hotmail “dot” com


  21. Anonymous
    February 1st, 2020

    Today I failed, there was a ticket I could not figure out. It said DSW1 (IPv6 loopback) cannot ping DSW2 IPv6 loopback. The switches are directly connected on the IPv6 topology. When I investigated, R1 on the far side of DSW1 could ping the IPv6 loopback on DSW2, which really confused me. The problem must be on DSW1 or DSW2, right, since they have their own routing tables and have a direct connection to each other? All necessary interfaces appeared enabled for RIPnG “RIP_ZONE”.

  22. @Anonymous
    February 2nd, 2020

    None of the IPv6 issues are on a switch.

  23. Anonymous
    February 2nd, 2020

    Barely passed today, but every question is one this site. Mcq still valid.

    Accidentally skipped the first ticket as I thought it was part of the tutorial. Be careful!

  24. Star Lord
    February 2nd, 2020

    None of any answers have ever been on dsw2 or asw2 or client 2. You confused yourself.

    Stick with client 1 asw1 dsw1 r4 r3 r2 r1 and no other device. Stop injecting flack where it does not belong.

  25. @me
    February 2nd, 2020

    Passed today . Everything was from here . Good luck all

  26. Traceping
    February 2nd, 2020

    Guys , im going to take exam in few days.

    Does anybody know if the old MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) , before 13th November are present in the actual exam?

  27. Anonymous
    February 2nd, 2020

    interface Serial0/0/1
    ip address
    ip nat outside
    interface Serial0/0/0
    ip address
    ip nat outsidejh
    ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 TSHOOT
    ip ospf authentication message-digest

    Ans1) R1
    Ans2) NAT
    Ans3) Under interface Serial0/0/0 delete the ip nat outside command and add the ip nat inside command.

  28. Kelvincenka
    February 2nd, 2020

    @star Lord congratulations! I have a question , how would you identify the difference between ticket 15 and 16 if all of them comes together in the exam, someone please help.

  29. winy
    February 2nd, 2020

    Passed yesterday with 1000 score
    1- MCQ of Nov 13
    2- BGP SIM
    3- HSRP SIM
    1- Trunk Encapsulation , 2-Port-Security, 3-VLAN Filter, 4-IP Helper address , 5- IPv4 Redistribution , 6- Ipv4 and Ipv6 Interoperability , 7- IPv6 OSPF , 8- IP NAT , 9- IP OSPF Authentication , 10- IPv4 EIGRP Passive interface

    good luck for everyone

  30. laga
    February 2nd, 2020

    @winy congrats
    please tell me if you re a premium member, and tell me if its worth becoming a premium member of tshoot website

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