Home > Share your ENARSI v1.1 Experience

Share your ENARSI v1.1 Experience

September 22nd, 2023 Go to comments

The new ENARSI 300-410 v1.1 has come to replace the old ENARSI exam so we create the “Share your ENARSI v1.1 Experience” for everyone to share their experience to prepare for this new exam.

Please share with us your experience to prepare for the new ENARSI 300-410 v1.1 exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

+ The ENARSI exam include lab sims, multiple choice and Drag drop questions.
+ You can use shortcut command (like “int”, “no sh”, “conf t”…), “tab” and “?” in the simulations of the exam.
+ To get the CCNP Enterprise certificate, you need to pass the ENCOR 350-401 exam (core exam) and one of the concentration exam (like this ENARSI exam).

Your posts are warmly welcome! Hope you will find useful information here!

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  1. Bluboy
    March 4th, 2024

    In the CoPP exam does rhe Copp policy need to be removed to get the neighbors up.

  2. Phlippo
    March 5th, 2024

    Hello everyone, I forgot that my ENCORE certification is expiring. Already on March 12th. Is it realistic to get the ENRASI in 1 week?

  3. Ferpi
    March 5th, 2024

    @phlippo Vai ter q fazer mano! Não tem correr !!

  4. Failed
    March 5th, 2024

    Vrf, redistribution/pdr, dmvpn and acl lab, gutted my certs run out on the 7th, the redis was the one where you need to remove some acl’s.

  5. IfYaSmellWhatTheRockIsCookin
    March 6th, 2024

    hey guys i finally passed my exam 2nd time around. same thing 46 questions with 4 labs. questions are legit on this website so study them, memorize them and understand them. 4 labs this round was Redistro/PBR (1st part not second part), VRF (same), DMVPN 2 (same) and a lab that was both Access-list Sim and Login/ACL sim together. PBR was straightforward and remember to remove distance instances. DMVPN straightforward just remove “tunnel destination” command off tunnel because then you won’t be able to add “tunnel mode gre multipoint.” VRF was exact straightforward. and that last lab from what i remember was to add username/password and allow telnet to access VTY lines off a WEST switch. And something to do on the EAST switch that i can’t remember. hope this helps and good luck!

  6. NetworkPlug
    March 7th, 2024

    @IfYaSmellWhatTheRockIsCookin for Redistribution/PBR were the “match ip 110” and “match ip 120” already preconfigured. For your Login/ACL lab was the task like the one found in “Login/ACL Sim” or was it more like the one found in the “Access-list Sim”

  7. Sunflower
    March 7th, 2024

    @IfYaSmellWhatTheRockIsCookin : For the PBR lab, There are total 2 labs, the above 1 which is the normal 1 and then if we scroll down there is another lab where we configure higher distance in R4. which 1 came in the exam??
    and for DMVPN, was it the 1 with IPsec or the PC1/PC2/PC3 ??

  8. Network plug
    March 8th, 2024

    Took exam today March 8 and failed. Had DMVPN2 didn’t have any authentication and the IP Addresses through me off. Remember the IP addresses exactly in the SIM and use them. Had SNMP2, vrf, and the new login acl. @networktut I know you guys are busy but to get the actual configs for login acl is a must. Everyone who takes the exam is probably going to see it. Questions were easy with that said I believe you have to either pass 3 or 4 labs and 70% of your questions right to pass the exam. (But of course different questions probably hold different weight)

  9. HELP
    March 8th, 2024

    I have configured DMVPN lab as it should be but cannot get the traceroute between BR1_LAN to BR2_LAN without going via anyone else had this issue. Have done this lab a number of times and same result. Any answers would be helpful

  10. IfYaSmellWhatTheRockIsCookin
    March 8th, 2024

    @networkplug yessir the match for route-map 110 and 120 already configured only thing is to put the “set” commands towards the ISP. for the Login/ACL i can’t be too sure but it was a mix of both. to make a username password on one Switch and then manipulating ACL on East switch it was confusing had to skip it :/

    @sunflower 1st time around for the exam i had that part 2 portion of PBR with 2nd time around was the 1st portion with both instances you have to check around for the distances and remove them. and DMVPN 2 was the one i got with PC1,PC2,PC3 and putting commands on both hub and spoke.

  11. Soldier
    March 8th, 2024

    FAILED ! Total 47 questions. All are available here. and 4 Labs.
    1) DMVNP PC1/PC2/PC3 . They tricked me in that lab, Everything was pre-configured and they just want us to put the authentication keyword and confirm LAN connectivity.
    2) VRF – Exact same which is here.
    3)SNMP – Same here
    4) ISP – East-West (something like that)

    I had almost 40+ questions right and was only able to complete VRF lab properly, DMVPN got me confused and i end of messing with it. Not sure how is the passing marks calculated.

  12. Network Plug
    March 8th, 2024

    @Soldier literally had the same types but after looking through the site last night the DMVPN one I had was not DMVPN 1 or 2. It was asking me to configure the Spokes statically but it also asked me to configure the Hub as well. On the site for DMVPN 1 who dont have to configure the hub when configuring the spokes statically. Also had SNMPv2 and VRF which I configured. I also believe that I got high percentage of the questions right. My analysis of the exam again after a day of actually taking everything in is. Who can get a high percentage of the questions right but they leave little to “NO” gap for mistakes on the labs. This site is enough when it comes to answering the questions. 98% of the questions are all on this site. As for the labs most of the basic ones I believe will be the same VRF,SNMP, IPSec, (when they get the Login&ACL updated completely which also includes you configuring passwords for all devices, including an “enable password on SW2) I also believe that will will be exactly the same. As for Redistr&PBR, DMVPN, and others I think it would be imperative to learn these in and out. So you can navigate through your show commands with confidence and determine what is exactly out of place. Unless somebody had a different experience please chime in. But I think you have to get 3 labs correctly right to pass. Please if you know you only got 2 labs right and pass please post your experience so the others can at least know what to put more focus in. Good luck to everyone I will retry in 2 weeks and give you an update then.

  13. I need help
    March 9th, 2024

    Can someone please help me with how I can setup eve-ng or gn3 please??

  14. Soldier
    March 9th, 2024

    @Network Plug : The DMVPN that i got was a little different, 90% of the lab was pre-configured. It also had OSPF configured with the “ip ospf network broadcast’ command in the hub. All they wanted me to do is to put the authentication command. I made a hug mistake by not running a “show run” command initially and started configuring the hub right away thinking it is the same DMVPN 2 lab. Later on i realised it could’ve been a really easy lab as it was the 2nd question in my exam and it literally asked to config authentication and check LAN connectivity. I guess i got nervous and ended up messing the whole hub by trying to change broadcast to point-to point and what not. i completely messed up that Lab. I hope if @Networktut can upload that Sim as well.

  15. Network Plug
    March 10th, 2024

    @Soldier that is crazy because that was my same mistake, I ran the show run command but I was looking for things specific to the Sim here. It was after that I realized they were just asking me to configure the spokes and hubs tunnels. It’s probably best to go into the exam next time looking for what is missing more than looking to configure everything at once (pertains only to DMVPN and Redistribution probably I can only speak on them.) Reading your past post you should past next time.

  16. Anonymous
    March 11th, 2024

    Guys you can check what score you got on your exam on this site where the purpose is (I think) to check CCIE exam score but it works for CCNP also: https://ccie.cloudapps.cisco.com/CCIE/

    Or search for CCIE cloudapps Cisco on google!

    You’ll have to enter the enter the Cisco ID or registration ID. Also you have to wait 2-5 days before the score shows up.

    I was a couple of percentages away from passing. And I only did 1 sim 100 % correctly, the other ones I just did parts. So I believe you can theoretically pass without doing sims, but it seems like they do give a lot of points.

  17. Picas
    March 13th, 2024

    Is possible to provide a .VCE file with all these questions from ENARSI v1.1?

  18. Please y’all should say something
    March 15th, 2024

    Why is nobody giving update about the exam??

  19. KG
    March 16th, 2024

    Is dumps still valid? any new questions/labs? Appreciate your response. Thanks.

  20. Soldier
    March 16th, 2024

    Did anyone appear for the exam this week? Are labs still the same or any new one has been added?

  21. Udesh W
    March 16th, 2024

    Hi, any new update regarding exam questions.

  22. Anonymous
    March 17th, 2024


    The Redistribution and PBR sims, you said had both. Did you have any problems with the last step with PBR, because for me R6 took the path to the ISP through OSPF (through R4) so the PBR on the interface e0/1 on R3 didnt match. . I realized too late and didnt have time to troubleshoot.

  23. Angi
    March 20th, 2024

    Hi guys,

    Today I passed the exam. It was 51 questions from which 4 LABS.
    I had:
    • VRF lab, exact like the one provided by networktut.
    • DMVPN lab, topology with PCs, but slithely different expectations, if you understand both that are provided here, you’ll pass.
    • SNMP with archive lab
    • One that is not mentioned here, different topology, ISP to WEST to SW2, I was asked to povide telnet access from ISP to SW2, the access-lists on ISP should’ve been changed, the direction, and to configure telnet on vty lines on SW2 (it was SSH allowed). Also I shoud’ve allowed ping from SW2 to ISP and ne more request which I don’t remember at this point. Access-lists were applied on th interfaces already.

    The questions, there were at least 30% new, I didn’t saw them here or maybe I don’t remember, but I don’t think so – after passing the questions many many times.

    Good luck to the rest of you!

  24. Soldier
    March 20th, 2024

    @Angi :- Congrats. so the DMVPN lab was it with PC1/PC2/PC3 with “ip ospf network broadcast “command? where you have to remove tunnel destination from both spoke routers, add authentication command in all 3 routers, add tunnel mode gre multipoint and “change ip ospf network broadcast” to “ip ospf network point-to-multipoint” in all the 3 routers??

  25. anonymous
    March 23rd, 2024

    Hi Guys,
    Took my exam today.
    There are four labs. 1. Redistribution & PBR Sim, 2. VRF, 3. DMVPN, 4, and another lab that requires troubleshooting on SW2 switch and East router.
    the 4th lab is like this:
    Switch: SW2 should only allow telnet access from ISP router’s Loopback 0 interface.
    There’s an acl already in the switch. Just permit the ISP’s loopback 0 before the deny acl.
    East ROuter:
    This router is configured with urpf (so study urpf). The task is to fix the issue where the router failed to ping some routers even though these routers are reachable via default router.
    Sw1 –>> EAST router–>>ISP–>>WEST Router–>>SW2
    Hope this helps.

  26. Soldier
    March 24th, 2024

    Gave my second attempt and finally PASSED this time.

    90% questions are from here.
    Labs were VRF, SNMP with sequence no., DMVPN sim 2 (All 3 were Exactly the same),
    4th Lab i skipped which was the same that everyone’s been getting (iSP -east/west).

    Good luck to the rest of you.

  27. @Soldier
    March 25th, 2024

    Do you mean to say you did not attempt the 4th lab at all but you still passed?

  28. Soldier
    March 25th, 2024

    Yes. I just did 3 labs successfully and skipped the 4th Lab. I am also pretty sure that most of my MCQ’s were correct. So i guess that’s enough to pass.

  29. @Soldier
    March 26th, 2024

    The DMVPN sim 2 you’ve retook is the same as the one from the Networktut, or did you have the “ip ospf network broadcast” on it?

  30. Soldier
    March 26th, 2024

    Yes it did had ip ospf network broadcast in it but i didnt change anything. This time it asked to just exactly the DMVPN sim 2 which is here, however i had to remove destination from spokes.

    The 1st time was slightly different, it asked me to just add authentication command and confirm LAN to LAN connectivity. i didnt remove destination command in my 1st attempt, i also tried to mess with the ip ospf command by changing it to point-to-point.

    If you get the Sim 2 exactly the 1 which is here, just do as it asks and make sure to remove destination command. Dont touch the ip ospf command at all. do as it asks and try to ping.

    If you get the other 1 which i got in my 1st attempt, i’d suggest do as it asks, then remove destination and try to ping. if it doesnt ping then change ip-ospf point to multipoint. .

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