Home > ENARSI FAQs & Tips


March 22nd, 2020 Go to comments

In this article, I will try to summarize all the Frequently Asked Questions in the ENARSI 300-410 Exam. Hope it will save you some time searching through the Internet and asking your friends & teachers.

1. Please tell me how many questions in the real ENARSI exam, and how much time to answer them?

You have 90 minutes to answer 47 questions, include multiple choice and drag drop questions and 4 labs. But if your native language is not English, Cisco allows you a 30-minute exam time extension. But there are a few requirements to get this extension, so the best way is asking your teacher or mentor before taking the exam.

2. How much does the ENARSI 300-410 cost? And how many points I need to pass the exam?

This exam costs $300. You need at least 825/1000 points to pass this exam.

3. I passed the ENARSI exam, will I get a CCNP certificate for it?

ENARSI is just a concentration exam, in order to get CCNP certificate, you need to pass the ENCOR 350-401 exam as well.

4. Can I get the ENARSI exam before ENCOR exam?

Yes, you can get ENARSI exam before ENCOR exam.

5. Please tell me more about the detail of the ENARSI exam?

From the syllabus of the ENARSI exam, it will teach you in depth of:

+ Routing protocols like OSPF, EIGRP, BGP, mainly about how to troubleshoot them.
+ Route-map, loop prevention, redistribution
+ Manual & auto-summarization (with any protocols)
+ Policy based routing
+ Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
+ VRF-Lite and MPLS Layer 3 VPN
+ Security topics like AAA, access-list, uRPF, CoPP, IPv6 First Hop security features (RA guard, DHCP guard, binding table, ND inspection/snooping, source guard)
+ Other infrastructure services like SNMP, Syslog, DHCP, IP SLA, NetFlow, Cisco DNA Center assurance

6. In the real exam, I clicked “Next” after choosing the answer, can I go back for reviewing?

No, you can’t go back so you can’t re-check your answers after clicking the “Next” button.

7. What are your recommended materials for ENARSI?

There are many options you can choose, but below are materials used and recommended by many candidates. The links below contain our referral number so you will support us too if you buy with them (the price remains the same):

Recommended Books

Video training

CBT Nuggets

Simulator (all are free)

+ GNS3
+ Packet Tracer

8. Are the exam questions the same in all the geographical locations?

Yes, the exam questions are the same in all geographical locations. But notice that Cisco has a pool of questions and each time you take the exam, a number of random questions will show up so you will not see all the same questions as the previous exam.

9. I passed the ENARSI exam. Do you have any site similar for CCNP Enterprise exams?

We have digitaltut.com for ENCOR (the Core exam of CCNP Enterprise certification), certprepare.com for CCNP Enterprise ENSDWI (a concentration exam of CCNP Enterprise certification).

We also support the SCOR 350-701 exam (the Core exam of CCNP Security certification).

We also have other sites (but only for sharing experience) like voicetut.com for Voice/Collaboration track, securitytut.com for Security track, dctut.com for Data Center track, sptut.com for Service Provider track, wirelesstut.com for Wireless track, opstut.com for DevNet track. Hope you enjoy these sites and find useful information too!

10. How many CCNP tracks does Cisco support now?

Cisco supports 6 CCNP tracks, which are:

1. CCNP Enterprise
2. CCNP Security
3. CCNP Service provider
4. CCNP Collaboration
5. CCNP Data Center
6. Cisco certified DevNet Professional
7. Cisco Certified CyberOps

In each track, you need to pass a dedicated core exam then pass one concentration exam of that track. Please check the picture below for more detail:


Note: With these new tracks, CCNA is no longer a prerequisite for CCNP. You can go directly for CCNP certs. But the knowledge of CCNA is highly recommended if you want to reach CCNP.

11. I passed (old) CCNP but my CCNP cert is going to expire and I want to recertify it. Which exam should I get?

According to Cisco Recertification Policy page, you need to complete one of the following things:

– Pass one technology core exam
– Pass any two professional concentration exams
– Pass one CCIE lab exam

Therefore if you only want to take one exam to recertify then you must pass the ENCOR 350-401 exam or any technology core exam of other tracks (for example the DCCOR 350-601 of Data Center track or the SCOR 300-701 of Security track).

Also if you earn 80 CE credits then you can also recertify your CCNP Enterprise cert.

Is there anything you want to ask? Just ask! All of us will help you.

Comments (25) Comments
Comment pages
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  1. Student_1
    March 2nd, 2022

    Hello, are the dumps still valid? Thanks.

  2. Ellen
    April 7th, 2022

    Is there a .vce file in addition to the .pdf file with q & a????

  3. Gentao
    April 18th, 2022

    Is it will the the Ensld section be live? I’ve used you guys in the passed and you were a huge help

  4. Anonymous
    May 18th, 2022

    I must answer the lab question ?
    were i can check the score of the exam ?

  5. sameSam
    May 25th, 2022

    Question 45 in the PDF.

    I believe the option D should state “higher LOCAL_PREF” in the options. Could you please review and update the PDF if needed.

  6. sameSam
    June 19th, 2022

    I just sat for the exam, I got the VRF lab as the first question. networktut team should remove the statement “There are no lab sims in this exam currently.” as it’s no longer correct.

  7. networktut
    June 20th, 2022

    @sameSam: Thanks for your detection, we updated that statement.

  8. miss carter
    June 21st, 2022

    Hi guys,

    I have an exam in july please advise if ” https://www.networktut.com/questions-and-answers” is Valid enough for passing i will try and created VCE.

  9. miss carter
    June 21st, 2022

    @sameSam and networktut: please share the latest dumps of the the above PDF is still valid ?

  10. piggy
    June 29th, 2022

    Passed today , about 20 questions out of 61 , are not in ENARSI_Mar_2022—325q so you have to do deep study.

  11. miss carter
    June 29th, 2022

    @Piggy – do you still remember the questions you encountered please share we can edict the PDF

  12. meb
    June 29th, 2022

    @miss carter, do you remember what kind of sim you faced? is related to the ones that tut has shared with us?

  13. miss carter
    July 1st, 2022

    @meb – I havent taken my exam yet.

    July 3rd, 2022

    @Piggy could you please send me ENARSI_Mar_2022-325q dumps to rinovarghese147(at)gmail(dot)com

  15. Y
    August 5th, 2022

    @Piggy Would you please send me ENARSI_Mar_2022-325q dumps to yeze804(at)gmail(dot)com

  16. jrick
    November 9th, 2022

    Update the dumps please and thank you!

  17. Anonymous
    March 12th, 2023

    @networktut -Please update the above PDF, ENARSI_June_2022. or Is still valid?

  18. abc
    June 20th, 2023

    Hi, has anyone used these for the exam recently?

  19. psmg
    July 5th, 2023

    please any one can share ENARSI questions PDF.

  20. hunterskil23
    July 27th, 2023

    Does the copy and paste works on exam ?

  21. Anonymous
    August 8th, 2023

    does DCCOR 350-651 have an equivalent tut website?

  22. Anonymous
    December 8th, 2023

    Hi teams,
    I failed the enarsi exam, I planned to buy the dump, but I really don’t have much money. Can you confirm for me? In your dump, there is a lab about IPsec, and a trouble shoot lab about EIGRP, OSPF. right? Those were the items in my exam that day. If you have enough, I will buy it right away

  23. muffliat0
    July 23rd, 2024

    are the dumps still valid in 2024?

  24. simonsays
    January 23rd, 2025

    still valid in 2025? taking exam in a coupla months.

  25. CCNP-User
    March 9th, 2025

    @networktut special thank’s!
    I passed the exam!

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